Saturday, November 21, 2009


what's satisfy you in your entire life.. the answer is nothing.. kerana manusia itu suka kaut.. this is the reason when mom will keep reminding me that there's no failure in everything you do because the intuition could lead you being a word of foolish.. life is wonderful.. no matter dumb you are, satisfaction should be your first prediction... that's it.. my probability to agree with her is extremely yes... ok, Vedera is my favourite band ever.. the singer's voice could make me feel so flying.. cuba lah dengar lagu di bawah ini.. mereka bagus bagai almarikasut... haha... yes, i wish to have like her face shape.. bermimpi.. ok satisfaction and hence i love mine.. belajar lah menghargai, tidak mengapa...

Perempuan: Menggunakan emosi.
Lelaki: Menggunakan kewarasan.
Kesimpulan: Emosi dan kewarasan menghasilkan kesempurnaan.

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