Thursday, September 4, 2008

sy di skola

yerp aku kt skola time neh...then dyana is sitting beside me while we both completing our lab assignmnt...seriously i dun like this subject at all...hmmmm...actually i've already done my assgnmnt..i juz accompany her for being aku sempat je i am completely malas..apa nk jadik...biar lah masa yg menentukan we are in fasting mode...which is ramadhan almubarak is already in about 3 days...hope i can fully puasa for this year...gila...dh tuh bile nk je ahh neh aku ngarut...i current feel bored while waiting for dyana settling her work and also wait for our next class which will be at 12pm...perut is berkeroncong saat ini...huuhuhu....actually i juz been an adult girl that finally make sense that i had lived in this world about 22years... woaahhh...saya tua oh...hahahaha...ape2 pun hesyam tetap chentakan saya..apa peduli...ngeee.....
.......slmt belajar norain.......

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