Wednesday, December 17, 2008


selamat hari rabu... as what i had mentioned in my, the day that called wednesday is so awful.... so jealous when certain part of them got the title... but me?? dapat juga... but used to dapat... it was ok then... right now, i'm in the digital library while waiting for my abgngah to pick me up here.. this is awful either... i have to wait up anyone to fetch me utk blk sekolah.. but at least thank God, i've already have my own table for study... last day, i had made up my own table.. wah buat sendiri erkk.. nonsense... actually the table is useless... the stands were not function at all... but as what mom had called me "so creative girl", then i fixed it up... so the table won't collapse anymore... sometimes the table is seems like meja main mahjung... hahaha.. nuts.. yesterday, i felt like demam... not like lah.. the true sickness... i've got fever last nite.. so i ate tomyam for dinner... in granting the demam will gone.. but not completely gone.. i took two tablets of panadol.. hence, i took a nap without study... damn.. but at least i'm feeling very well demam at all.... hmmmm.... now this library is almost close... so i got to go... but abgngah is yet to be here... di mana lokasi beliau?? owh it sudden just came to my mind about my midterm is coming around... leave less than twenty days for it... damn fast... i neither prepare nor willing for it... since my eyes also need a spec unless i have to handle the tears in every seconds... so poor me... rendu hisyam some more.... hahaha.. tak leyh tinggal.. saket menda ah nih....


siti nur aimi shahbudin said...

ain...aku nk menggedik jugak
nk tgk hisyam
da la ko dream of hisyan while sleeping
ish3 ngahahahha

a . i . n said...

chumel ko..
aku raser adek ko munir knal die sama maen bola masa skola dlu..