Monday, May 25, 2009


i had found some stupid manners by imaging a little odd of the-thing-that-we-couldn't-do-it-because-we-are-muslim... the words tend to be like hell... but i made everything with a couple of thoughts which can let me feel berbesar-hati... i had googled Lights pictures.. most people do not know herself very well since she's not sort of glamorous in hollywood.. it couldn't be 'not sort' at all.. ok here i explain... actually she's a singer in hollywood... by starting her song made from her very own desk at home, then now the voices or even songs are been recorded.. plus she's already awarded by some music award.. (i can't remember)... ok very terror.. so she must be included in the glamorous hollywood instead... baek-baek... i used to wonder why people wanna be a singer.. maybe the glamour purpose and surely sake of money.. yeah, malaysia tak mampu jadi kaya kalau jadi artis.. cukup sekadar glamour je aku rasa.. ini industri malaysia yg sangat kecil unless u are mawi.. hmmm... sometimes i prefer to love something that people really do not know it so well... when it comes to be well-known, seriously takde thrill lagi dalam kesukaan kau itu.. itu yang aku rasa.. so aku akan suka pada benda yang manusia lain tak suka dan tak tahu.. ini lebih memberansangkan... hmm.. the story here is not bout how u want to be a singer.. i just slightly explained who is Lights.. tp aku merapu cam ketapi... haha... owh ok2... the picture that has been googled is here.. the tattoo.. the fucking tattoo.. (got no idea to put fucking, mungkin lebih rase beria-ria).... haha... i love her tattoo.. if i were non-muslim girl, i will tattoo myself like this... how cool it looks.. owh ok.. again, i stated that 'if i were'... so maybe it is still within the boundary.. aku masih waras... hahaha... my flickr has been uploaded with new chantekbelaka... one of those views is here... i am currently being kurus.. aku sangat suka hati.. jadi tak perlu obses pada kekurusan lagik.. i don't think so that my chantekbelaka are so-yesterday... when u are not a photographer at all, but people will keep teasing u by saying out those harsh comment on your chantekbelaka... what would u do?? begini kata-kata aku untuk mereka... serious dude, aku bukan ahli kongsi gelap yg pandai amek gambar.. aku hanya ain.hujan.ribut yang sangat bercita-cita tinggi nak jadi oltromen dan bukannya 'sekalian' photographer... sebab sekalian itu selalunya kurang arif tetapi hanya mahu nampak cool... aku oltromen.. percayalah... mekaseh...


siti nur aimi shahbudin said...

waahahaha page baru dan santek! kelihatan sgt kemas page anda..sekian dari saya, amy bentong..ngahahahha gila skema..

a . i . n said...

hhaha.. cm bagi surat wasiat lak.. mekaseh2.. sbb aku pun dh naek serabut ngn page lama.. eleyh kata org.. ko pun page baru.. huhu...
sekian dr saya, ain bentong gak..

amadd @ nizar said...

lawo page..