Tuesday, August 11, 2009

no turning back

as what really called usual, i'll be at KLIA regularly.. i mean not me... actually a quite number of times that i need to be a driver of abangah... sending and fetching him for once in two weeks... setiap kali nak hantar dia, aku akan kata, "adik taknak borak ngan awak arini, adik nak tido".. he gives a cynical giggle.. he knows how i'm going to talk too much than himself... yes i am, i would end up the distance from home to klia without sleeping... blurrppp.... owh ok..

just now, once i reached at the tol station, i was in a long line.. as usual, pagi dan mahu pergi kerja matter.. i was accidentally being on the road in that morning hour.. ok so i've throughout the jammed without complaining at least.. suddenly there were a row of police bikes gave a signal that seems like eh-tolong-berhenti-kereta-kau-sebab-ada-orang-kaya-nak-lalu-tol-ni... i was like what the fuck.. u crossed my lane just that way... exactly they crossed just ahead the car i drove... i was thinking, kau ni sapa lah agaknya.. then it was my turn to pay the tol ticket.. aku saja je nk tanya kat pekerja tol sapa org VVIP tu.. note that there have two V.. ok... so they are really very-very-important-person... oh ain please, i've already noted that.. baek-baek... then the girl answered, maybe kind of orang kerajaan dan mahu ke mahkamah or so on.. maybe she was started sick to answer me again when aku begitu curious eh sapa bayar tol dia... jawapannya adalah kerajaan... at this point, aku pula rasa sick.. hmmm... patut abah bising bila duit epf kena potong tinggi-tinggi... oh i am not a politic talker... sampai di sini dan itu sahaja...

i just turned to a new mode... being ridiculous and changes are as simple as just let go everything that you really want to against on.. bila kau rasa nak sangat, sebenarnya kau sakit... jadi stop being sakit... hmm... have you ever try to reduce your unhealthy feeling... a feeling that somewhat of paranoid... yeah you can... tiba-tiba teringat lagu Rock DJ by Robbie Williams sebab ada lyric dia "yeah you can".... haha... kas pernah cakap setuju dengan kata-kata aku kat entry bernama glum di mana aku cakap manusia menjadi penceria terbaik bila beliau tidak mampu untuk senyum kadangkala...

cikgu boleh lari dari orang lain tapi jangan lari dari saya....


Kas Hariz said...

aku la dlm kete VVIP tuh..jgn mrh r..aku nk g berak je sbnrnye..hahah

a . i . n said...

haha... aram..