Wednesday, December 30, 2009

pintu pagar

i've questioned myself with "why you feel refuse to write within this very lately?"... you have to know that sometimes everything won't provide you an answer... i conclude myself with "i am a good silent in my very certain time"... aku bukan senang mahu letak perkara tiada sebab di bajusemalam... everything will giving me a good meaning... erghh... to be exact, that good should be replaced with huge.. maka, ain adalah besar-besar sahaja penulisannya.. hmmm... pernah tak kadangkala kau malas mengejar semangat yang sudah tiada, tapi mahu atau tidak, kejaran kau semakin tidak bertujuan dan motif.. saya bukan hebat dalam penceritaan.. nampak tak apabila kau menulis tanpa permulaan yang baik atau tiada pembukaan cerita yang lebih tepat, tapi kau terus bercerita soal kau sendiri tanpa hirau pemahaman manusia lain... i always say, "ini bukan ainbijak kalau tidak lintang pukang begini rupanya"... aku memang manusia kaut.. bercakap soal sendiri lebih kacak daripada kau bercakap soal mereka-mereka yang jengkel...

perjanjian tak sepatutnya diwujudkan... maka, aku tutup sebelah mata untuk semua tu... gambar di bawah ini hebat kerana semuanya terang.. kalau lah terang itu betul-betul milik saya, saya akan lebih waras dari sekarang ini... emak kata, jangan lari dan hilang kerana dua perkara ini tidak sihat... tidak kisah bangsat atau apa sekalipun, aku memang selalu tidak sihat dan jatuh sakit... tuhan beri saya penebusan dosa dengan kesakitan....


...........mari pengsan.........

Pagi: Garam
Tengah hari: Tiada
Petang: Banyak
Malam: Apa perubahan?

Monday, December 21, 2009


sometimes you know how to grab a thing without a good insight.. the power of deceiving could lead you to be more sick than you supposed to be.. so, i don't really mind if i assume that some parts can be seen in blindness... living in high proud to yourself, then you will also know how to give an appreciation to yourself.. by comparing to give a love to others, sometimes we so believe that it seems so endless which is it's extremely never... this is the thing that i am pretty sure to say "yes, i agree"... hmmm... ok... i love the song below.. the person that dedicated me this song is so meaningful to myself... maybe i just started to be in flying...

Song title: If you want me


Friday, December 18, 2009



the collage always soothes my cognitive bad thoughts.. i could take medicines for fever and coughing.. but with a lack of realization, sometimes i couldn't beat my brains out in everything.. i remind myself either stick to the usual track or lost in the dark mist... erghh... preference must be always 'let it be'... see, it always none of options given because ain is a good runner... hmmm.... aku belajar jika nyamuk akan betul hilang dari mata kasar nanti.. sesuatu yang berat untuk disimpan seorang sendiri... cuba tidak mengapa.... lari juga tidak mengapa..... senyum......

..........b & m.............

Monday, December 14, 2009

my trap-door

life is all about choices.. the way you make a choose.. the best thing to decide.. the bliss of decision and effect... at some reason, i'd rather to not depend on choosing at all.. but neither choose nor leave it, everything would promise you a set of consequence.. at some part of my life, i feel like everything is really tumbling down when i couldn't bear to manage them in proper way.. i am going to cut this hair again.. nothing to influence me.. ain't depression.. i am friggin' freak when i said "betul, aku akan buat dan jangan kata aku mahu minta pandangan sesiapa sekalipun"... i just looked back at my past flow behind me.. everything was none of well-managed situation.. then, i ought to wonder when is your real ain will completely show itself.. hmmm... hiding and running.. i am glad when i'm good in these two things so that hurting won't get involved repeatedly in my life scene.. get a life... i mean, yeah indeed...

pernah tak kadangkala kau ada kemahuan tapi kau hanya mulakan ia dengan penangguhan.. tapi sehingga sekarang, semuanya masih di tahap penangguhan.. bila pula akan ke peringkat seterusnya?... tahu tak apabila tangguh juga boleh menghasilkan kehilangan.. sama juga kalau kau tangguh untuk berak, kelamaan rasa berak itu akan hilang dan susah untuk datang kembali... hidup penuh dengan pilihan dan penangguhan.. tapi kau mungkin hebat jika kau rasa hidup ini penuh dengan pembaharuan..

.............emak saya kembali senyum.............

Fakta: Tangan saya cepat bergetar.
Efek: Tidak dapat sempurnakan banyak perkara.
Maka: Saya akan cuba kurangkan pembakaran.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

bila akan?

*i suppose to post this entry in few days back but Marina had arrived at my doormat to have an out with me.. maka, ia disimpan dahulu dan hari ini barulah disiarkan..*

at somehow, you will realize that you are not relying your day life to people.. everyone's changing.. respecting others won't and never give you a piece of great at all.. nope, ok pardon me, at somehow the respect word is pretty ruin my mind badly.. maka, aku akan tukar kenyataan awal ini.. sebenarnya hidup perlu hormat manusia sekeliling kerana the karma is so real.. or else, don't trust people.. mahu kah kau hidup tanpa ketawa sinis sekalipun.. aku pernah kata, hiburan di keliling stereng kereta.. so, how to avoid them from happening.. apabila kau runsing, maka kau takkan avoid sekalipun.. mengapa mahu kerunsingan padahal jaminan kau sudah disediakan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu... ini lah dikatakan manusia kaut dan out of mind tanpa sebab yang baik...

i was missing my ex lecturer just now.. while eating at some place alone, i started to think about my very few months back stories.. ok, here got plural for the word of story.. meaning that it must be a lot of cerita.. dan apabila cerita itu menjadi banyak, maka aku senyum sendiri.. ok back to that missing thing, i had messaged her.. the best part is when she realized that no one could replace myself to be a quite close student to her.. tiada apa lagi untuk dilakukan selain senyum sendiri lagi, jadi aku tamatkan makan malam seorang diri tanpa segelas air pun di meja.. betul lah tu, aku memang kedekut.. or to be exact, berjimat...


Berfikir: untuk orang lain
Bercakap: untuk orang lain
Bermimpi: untuk diri sendiri
Soalan: bila pula mimpi itu akan jadi kenyataan?


you know which part is your poorness.. i mean the great poor you could be so.. pernah juga kadangkala apabila kau susah mahu sedar diri yang kau sebenarnya tidak cukup hebat di mata keliling.. tapi tahu tak apabila kau memberi keyakinan pada seseorang, itu sudah cukup memberi kehebatan untuk diri kau sendiri.. when i reach at some corner on the road, i will completely out of idea in how to handle my driving... nothing else to help unless you use a word of believe.. pernah juga kadangkala apabila kau sudah tiada keseronokan pada penjagaan lagi.. setting your life with any of glad feeling... tahu tak apabila penjagaan juga menjadi perkara bagus untuk kau rasa apa itu hidup yang betul-betul kau harap sejak kau darjah satu lagi.. when i was kid, i used to love to think of "apa aku akan jadi nanti bila umur sudah dua puluh tiga tahun nanti?"... that was folly thought.. because the silence was the answer.. tahu tak apabila your fearless in getting older will make you feel "aku mahu kembali menjadi darjah satu dan menjadi sesuatu yang lebih lain dari sekarang"... sebenarnya aku semakin hilang logik pada setiap pemikiran... itu sahaja.. aku adalah pelakon terbaik apabila sudah tidak mampu buat apa lagi.. maka, tidak kisah sakit atau seksa sekalipun, aku masih senyum... itu lebih meyakinkan diri sendiri.. tapi mengapa gambar di bawah tiada senyuman pun.. betul lah tu, kau akan jiwa kacau apabila seorang diri sambil main gitar di dalam bilik...


Dahulu: Senyum
Sekarang: Senyum juga

Saturday, November 21, 2009


what's satisfy you in your entire life.. the answer is nothing.. kerana manusia itu suka kaut.. this is the reason when mom will keep reminding me that there's no failure in everything you do because the intuition could lead you being a word of foolish.. life is wonderful.. no matter dumb you are, satisfaction should be your first prediction... that's it.. my probability to agree with her is extremely yes... ok, Vedera is my favourite band ever.. the singer's voice could make me feel so flying.. cuba lah dengar lagu di bawah ini.. mereka bagus bagai almarikasut... haha... yes, i wish to have like her face shape.. bermimpi.. ok satisfaction and hence i love mine.. belajar lah menghargai, tidak mengapa...

Perempuan: Menggunakan emosi.
Lelaki: Menggunakan kewarasan.
Kesimpulan: Emosi dan kewarasan menghasilkan kesempurnaan.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


tiada apa yang pilu dan sedih.. eh mengapa sedih yang dipilih dan bukannya kegelapan atau apa.. nothing here.. ok that's a lie when you say nothing.. nak bercakap juga malas.. jadi apa yang rajin? melihat fesbuk sahaja lah..

baik, apa motif gambar? kerana ini gambar terbaik di mata aku pada bulan ini.. juga dengan alasan malas, maka tiada gambar teruja chantekbelaka yang baru dihasilkan.. mengapa? masih jawapan hanya rajin pada fesbuk.. haishh... the pic below had taken when i was waiting for car service and a glass of nescafe` was served pretty nicely since i didn't bring any drink unless a packet of bread as only for my very lunch dishes.. that was a saddest day.. hmmm... aku rindu pada si nyamuk.. dan juga benci.. itu sahaja...


Kesalahan: Binatang peliharaan bernama 'Pokok' telah mati.
Pembetulan: Tiada kesalahan pada kematian. Memang nyawa tidak panjang.

Monday, November 16, 2009


while resting myself in this room, i got to think "hey, as if the room is provided only for rest manner indeed?"... oh ok, a new fringe curtains has been hanged here.. i mean just beside my pc table.. by throwing only fifty bucks for them.. it was like here you go my sweet penny though i am slightly broke.. hmmm... the good effect by doing a brand new changes, you know how it must be so called cool.. ok memang sejuk.. hujan every single day.. so stop with what kind of room that i always belong to.. they often say, "you never own a stability mode at all".. how poor it sounds.. the truth that you couldn't bear to see though you are blinded... that's friggin' poor.. people often trust other people with a high believe without thinking of rebounding.. everything is returnable.. a good deed more likely to be refused so that people would live in revenge mission... that's a stupid mission when you are lack of sense in thinking.. hmmm... yesterday i watched a movie.. i mean a New Zealand movie.. their english are really sad to be heard.. i mean the slang they used.. hahaha.. betul aku gelak tapi aku bom sampai separuh cerita...

i don't know why but i adore with any of beauty.. am i sounded gay stuff?? nope.. i love with fair skin.. envy with sort of peoples who own that friggin' fair skin..they are so special and lucky as compare to myself.. he used to say, "b you are completely in beauty, ok"... then it would end up with some tears.. yes, speechless.. hmm... and now i admire with a wall clock... sounded hell admiration kan.. the clock is so odd.. tapi cantik... just now, while having dinner with my sis at some place within this house area, she informed me bout the clock.. she found it at somewhere.. tahu tak aku akan membeli walau bagaimana sekalipun.. dan bagaimana dengan penggunaan wang kertas yang berlebihan pun boleh mendatangkan rasa kesusahan.. hmm... i love something that really odd... that's normal.. yes.. that's why i hang a cute pacifier in my car.. sama juga bila ingat semula hal rambut aku.. when one of my cikgu asked me to be in proper hair, i concluded that he was not so dare to have one like mine.. haha.. that's freak mind indeed.. kerana saya suka bercakap dengan diri sendiri..

i have no idea when people still in mood to see this blog or even give a read without fully knowing what am i talking about... tak semua akan faham apa yang aku karang.. kerana aku bukan pembuat essay yang berjaya.. when i was schooling, i never submitted any of my essay exercise book... betul aku memang pemalas.. siapa tak kenal dengan sifat malas.. jadi, jangan berkawan dengan aku.. aku bukan kalangan yang hot dan berguna... berjaya dengan sifat sendiri lebih membanggakan.. this might always make me to feel refuse to listen any advices from people.. you can advise me but not in so pushing.. i love to be in depression alone so that there's nobody would be pretty harsh pushing.. it same goes to when you want to sit down on the edge with a cheap smile, do please don't assume that you feel desperate to have someone to sit down beside you too.. people are choosy..

.....saya pemberontak.....

Take: Everything
Put: Anything
What's Left: Nothing

Friday, November 13, 2009


apabila kau mahu sangat makan kasut, sumpah kau sebenarnya mahukan ketenangan.. oh my poor conscious effort in calming.. i used to own many rings.. maybe i use them to lock any trouble so that i wouldn't kill any kebagusan dalam diri aku sendiri.. that's a crap indeed.. tiada kena mengena pun.. the rings were just a number that show how many finger that i always belong to.. ok, it's a ten.. i mean the normal person might suppose to have ten... dan aku normal.. atau aku mahu tambah sepuluh cincin pada jari kaki pula... betul, aku pengarut terhebat.. some say i'm good in mumbling.. you have to believe that you could talk to yourself silently .. surroundings are nothing... they are merely tidak berguna juga.. bercakap dengan diri sendiri lebih mengghairahkan... yeah, same goes to when Iva keep following me everywhere at home... she's a good friend of mine though we often refuse to be that good at all... you are in such a heaven life when family is everything.. ok, now mom is everything in my every single breath.. you ought to be lah ain si pemalas.. bagus apa..

i have a new pet named 'Pokok'.. i am not so into animal.. i used to have tortoise named 'Lori'... stop doubting their names... pernah tak aku kisah kenapa nama aku Ain? sekurang-kurangnya andai aku boleh membela babi sekalipun, aku akan beri nama beliau 'Lampu'... lebih sopan dan menerujakan diri sendiri.. pernah tak kadangkala kau nak teruja tapi kau takut pasal orang lain akan ambil bahagian soal keterujaan kau.. when sort of peoples really love my excitement and makes them feel oh-mahu-jadi-macam-si-ain-ponggong-ni-lah-sebab-boleh-rasa-teruja-juga... yes, i suppose to smile.. or else, "ok lend me your brain for one day and you know how different person i could completely change it till you can't even realize that yours is more exciting than mine"... cuba memulakan sesuatu dengan pemikiran sendiri.. people is so special differently.. cuba lah.. tidak mengapa...
ok now back to new scene of life.. menjadi hati sekeras pasir di pangkor, sangat bangsat kadangkala.. aku hanya teringatkan pada kehidupan di mana kau akan sedar hidup ini tidak pernah cukup kerana kau memilih topeng muka dengan tidak sehabis baiknya... ok, bagaimana kalau aku mahu pakai topeng muka berwajah Roti Gardenia? hebat, kau boleh makan aku setiap hari dan takkan suka aku lagi...

Kelmarin: Bila?
Semalam: Kenapa?
Hari ini: Ok, aku tak suka.

Friday, October 23, 2009

lama sungguh

i did many entries before which are not been posted at my very eventually... no reason for 'em... i've throughout the real life as same as not-so-real-life... you couldn't realize your fake part... enough said, life is still in blurry... rip off everyone's smile or let that blurry being part in your very nightmare life.. mom is a quite simple person in thinking.. she asked for binding the past and forgetting 'em entirely... sounded like oh-mudah-nya-untuk-mendapat-hidup-baru.. the thing is, kebagusan dalam memilih jalan hidup yang selesa... hmm..

i was driving just now... i know that i was sort of silly while yelling at myself with a song.. you know that you are being dumbness when you feel like myself-is-really-stupid-in-giving-a-piece-of-word-to-people... why do i need to show some care on others.. why do i need to let myself feel in pushing... friends are pretty mellow and somehow you couldn't bear to ruin it... i started to listen back the song that so-titled How To Save A Life by The Fray... i do miss budak besar.. the thing that really hope so lasting... maybe have a great guts... hmm...

menjadi seorang manusia sama seperti kau memilih lorong di lebuhraya... tidak kisah memandu dengan cepat atau lambat, kau akan pilih lorong untuk memandu dengan lebih selesa.. tidak perlu bertanya kenderaan sebelah kau, "eh aku memandu dengan betul ke pada hari ini?"... untuk menjadi manusia yang sempurna, jangan kau harap sangat manusia sekeliling kau cukup sempurna untuk dijadikan panduan hidup... berdiri dengan kaki sendiri.. berfikir dengan kebijaksanaan yang tuhan beri...

betul apabila emak kata, manusia tidak semuanya sempurna...

Monday, September 21, 2009

makna raya?

kadang-kadang aku tak pasti apa yang manusia mahu pada hari raya... duit, kemaafan, pergaduhan, makanan, kebanggaan, pujian.. semua dalam hati individu... belajar jadi seorang yang ikhlas, hidup akan sempurna... cuma sedikit tidak setuju bila kata-kata kemaafan diberi melalui khidmat pesanan ringkas(sms). memang ringkas... sebab aku tahu pengirim tidak ikhlas... hanya forward sahaja mesej... bila suami lepaskan kata cerai menggunakan mesej dalam undang-undang tidak sah... maka bila kau minta maaf melalui mesej... juga tidak sah... pandang dengan mata, lebih sempurna dan sah.. betul...

............buluh perindu............

Saturday, September 19, 2009


the throat is really stuck with some wise of me.. haha.. aku mula bermalasan dengan bajusemalam ini.. when i got a blink of unwise in my very own mind, so the best place to vent out is here.. what a crap.. the puasa almost reach its end.. so selamat hari raya lah hendaknya.. hmm... i think the time is pretty fast in my these two months.. or maybe three months.. erghh... i started to heal everything with bergerak.. yes, moving.. when you begin a new movement, at somehow you feel terrific.. bluff yourself so that you could able to control a level of ego.. mom says that i own such a high ego that she can't be able to put any of prediction on me... when my very own mom stated this high-ego-matter, so who else could deny this.. haha.. jadi, terima lah aku sehendaknya...

i'm currently listening to the song titled Closer by Travis.. a friend of mine makes me feel rasa-macam-nak-dengar-lagu-ni-selalu-sebab-liriknya-begitu-suka... i am pretty fan of slow music.. oh bunga nya aku untuk begitu slow.. kadangkala kita perlu perlahankan sesetengah perkara termasuk your type of listening... dan kadangkala aku begitu mahu jadi manusia yang lambat untuk dapatkan sesuatu perkara.. tapi bagaimana kalau kau lambat, dan kau tidak dapat apa-apa? jadi apa yang mahu lagi dikejarkan?.. sama juga kalau kau kejar bas sekolah, tiba-tiba ditinggalkan pasal kau lambat sangat... this is what i really called pointless of being slow... wise lah dalam apa yang kau lakukan, semua akan janjikan yang terbaik.. the conceptual of your mind set.. like what my bro said, "bergerak mengikut arahan"... so, make a move as rely on your own intuition.. kata hati itu sangat hebat dan bagus.. betul aku tak tipu...

my final exam will be in my near soon.. ok to be exact, the exam will be after a week of raya.. aku akan sibuk dengan raya dan urusan perkahwinan.. bila akan study?.. who is getting married?.. don't ever assume the marriage is for ain.. aku hanya selalu bertanya, ada sesiapa mahu kahwin dengan saya? ... haha.. emak started to be such in a drunk mode.. she said, "emak mula risaukan awak adik".. what a precious of worry... terima kasih pada kesayangan saya yg ensem ni...

Perkara utama: Saya semakin hampir dengan cemburu.
Perkara sampingan: Saya tidak kisah lah.
Perkara wajib: Facebook! (gila apa)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


what kind of hope when you say that a friends do not betray confidences.. you might put this hell hope on 'em in your very beginning without thinking any of consequences... people would lie in everything as long as the lies never lead 'em to get into bit of hell life.. agak kejam.. atau aku sahaja mengambil sesuatu sebagai yang kejam... bukan, kita dilahirkan dengan akal... semua hebat dengan akal yang ada.. cuma kewarasan menjadi pegangan kau untuk berharap dan membuat sebarang keputusan hidup.. jangan lah berakal semata-semata... try to come along in good health and of sound mind.. the rationality... itu sahaja...

i haven't gotten any of good trip to release anything that sounded trouble and seem makes me troubled.. nampak tak kita semakin mencari kebangsatan dalam diri sendiri bila all are already being in such a gross hash... mom asked me to set my mind with something that could train me how to smile in my whole day.. i know this is what the thing that naturally comes with whenever i just began my words to people... kadangkala mereka kata, "ain kau mampu buat aku senyum dan ketawa. terima kasih"... though i blind myself with smiling or laughing, sebenarnya aku semakin hampir dengan sakit... depends on how you handle your trouble life... so when mom advised me with smile thingy, i'd rather to say "yes, i trust in you emak"...

nampak tak bila 'sempat' dan 'empat' berbeza bila hanya huruf s menjadi tambahan di depan perkataan.. belajar itu mudah... jangan kata susah.. hanya mental kita yang malas untuk berfikir lebih jauh...

Fact: Aku kuat berak sekarang ini.
Effect: Getting slimmer. Oyeh!

Friday, August 28, 2009

semua sekali

probably i'm barely reckon the best creation of mine.. at some parts indeed you can't even realize your personal fortune by assuming all are in good and best promises.. sure, it must be in good.. at certain part you also couldn't assume anything.. sometimes you might question yourself "apa yang kau kejarkan dalam hidup kau sebenarnya?".... i would simply conclude, i am lost.. the thing that comes as a great nightmare when you are corruptly feeling witless.. i am a good imaginative person.. i often sketch a picture of butterflies on a piece of paper.. they seem flying in one group but i would draw only one butterfly that seems lost and flying alone.. i would circle it by naming him as 'witless'... this merely crap imagination and sketching... tapi risau sangatkah dengan apa jenis karutan bayangan dan lukisan kau?... stop reckoning everything.. that is what i did... aku bekerja keras untuk mejadi hati yang keras.. itu lebih merisaukan mereka-merka yang terlibat mungkin...

aku mencari alasan untuk setiap hal dalam hidup... kenapa alasan??... kenapa bukan kau berjanji??.... manusia akan cuba buat perjanjian bila beliau rasa beliau hebat.. maka aku tak mahu wujud perasaan hebat untuk berjanji.. itu lebih menyifatkan seorang penipu... kenapa mahu berjanji pada benda yang kau tak pasti... mencari alasan itu sekurang-kurangnya tidak mendorong kau akan jadi penipu di masa akan datang... break the promise or just let them go without promising your stupid promises... hmm.. i refuse to lay pretty compassion on others... why do people aware on something that they have not to??... bila kau menjadi beria-ria untuk aware, it could able to ruin all yours... as easy as care of yourself or else just willing to say aku-sanggup-jadi-hilang-kewarasan-sebab-aku-konon-bagaikan-sangat-ambil-peduli-pada-manusia-lain... ini gelabah.. cuba lah berubah... cari alasan dan jangan too obvious..

my beloved kapok able to let me being out of feeling pressed.. i've planned a lot of things.. by thinking of when to begin each part of them , so i'd rather to feed my mind with other sort of creepy things... ini juga sejenis kehilangan... menghilangkan perkara yang dirancang dengan perkara yang baru difikir sebab terlalu mengkaji apa sebenarnya yang dikejarkan di depan mata sendiri... i'm such a talker and writer in my very own bajusemalam... kadangkala aku pencerita terbaik dan kadangkala aku tidak... ini juga mungkin sejenis kehilangan konsistensi dalam penulisan... emak selalu kata aku kadangkala susah nak berubah... sebenarnya aku mudah berubah dan buat sedikit sebanyak kehilangan dalam hidup aku sendiri... emak kena tukar statement beliau... hmmm...

Soalan: Mengapa kau rasa hilang diri itu boleh meyakinkan diri yang kau akan sepenuhnya sihat?
Jawapan: Kerana yakin boleh itu adalah fikiran yang menyihatkan.
Komen: Jawapan begitu gampang dan soalan tiada motif.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


i took a long time of gap to write more often in this hell bajusemalam.. kadang-kadang bila kau rasa kau okay atau tidak sekalipun, kau akan mula tiada konsistensi dalam perkara rutin.. bila rutin menjadi tidak rutin, dan kau mula sedar sebenarnya hal yang tidak penting tidak sepatutnya diambil kisah sampai buat kau rasa tidak okay.. aku mula rasa hidup bagai tiada kejujuran dan keikhlasan.. susahnya manusia mahu beri aku sedikit penghargaan..


why people say that we have to live life to the fullest? why do we need to reach that fullest?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

no turning back

as what really called usual, i'll be at KLIA regularly.. i mean not me... actually a quite number of times that i need to be a driver of abangah... sending and fetching him for once in two weeks... setiap kali nak hantar dia, aku akan kata, "adik taknak borak ngan awak arini, adik nak tido".. he gives a cynical giggle.. he knows how i'm going to talk too much than himself... yes i am, i would end up the distance from home to klia without sleeping... blurrppp.... owh ok..

just now, once i reached at the tol station, i was in a long line.. as usual, pagi dan mahu pergi kerja matter.. i was accidentally being on the road in that morning hour.. ok so i've throughout the jammed without complaining at least.. suddenly there were a row of police bikes gave a signal that seems like eh-tolong-berhenti-kereta-kau-sebab-ada-orang-kaya-nak-lalu-tol-ni... i was like what the fuck.. u crossed my lane just that way... exactly they crossed just ahead the car i drove... i was thinking, kau ni sapa lah agaknya.. then it was my turn to pay the tol ticket.. aku saja je nk tanya kat pekerja tol sapa org VVIP tu.. note that there have two V.. ok... so they are really very-very-important-person... oh ain please, i've already noted that.. baek-baek... then the girl answered, maybe kind of orang kerajaan dan mahu ke mahkamah or so on.. maybe she was started sick to answer me again when aku begitu curious eh sapa bayar tol dia... jawapannya adalah kerajaan... at this point, aku pula rasa sick.. hmmm... patut abah bising bila duit epf kena potong tinggi-tinggi... oh i am not a politic talker... sampai di sini dan itu sahaja...

i just turned to a new mode... being ridiculous and changes are as simple as just let go everything that you really want to against on.. bila kau rasa nak sangat, sebenarnya kau sakit... jadi stop being sakit... hmm... have you ever try to reduce your unhealthy feeling... a feeling that somewhat of paranoid... yeah you can... tiba-tiba teringat lagu Rock DJ by Robbie Williams sebab ada lyric dia "yeah you can".... haha... kas pernah cakap setuju dengan kata-kata aku kat entry bernama glum di mana aku cakap manusia menjadi penceria terbaik bila beliau tidak mampu untuk senyum kadangkala...

cikgu boleh lari dari orang lain tapi jangan lari dari saya....

Monday, August 10, 2009


i have a new sort of shit thing in my mind.. i wish to own a cute muscle.. how ambitious it sounds.. haha.. girl with the muscle?? that's handsome.. so here the new stuff that i might feel often to use instead of keep giving a strum in my whole day.. owh ok.. kapok is already been touched.. that's it.. that's also a kind of handsome.. everything tends to be sangat bagus atau berbesar hati.. jadi aku akan senyum... ngee.. i just started to pull up this dumbbell(loceng-bodoh) in this morning.. hope there has a consistency in doing this kind of hell exercise.. haha.. every part of bump should be gone.. that's a promise.. hmm... ok...

the other pic is just a new me.. i just cut my hair.. still with a feeling i-love-to-cut-my-hair-when-i-am-in-the-exam-week... seeing me with this new look is ain't different at all.. because i still own same look like before.. aku tahu semua tu.. but seriously my previous hair was dumb.. kembang bagai basikal.. why did i choose basikal instead of kereta dan lain-lain??... i'll put this as an unanswered question.. ok.. that's it...

yesterday mom asked me a few things.. yeah.. sort it out as wise as you could.. yes, the members of my very own house are wiser than me... i will.. tiba-tiba aku rasa dah lama tak jumpa dzulhasli... aku rindu beliau sungguh... hmmm... i hate when i can't be able to see kasabian in this coming saturday.. mendukacitakan... maybe i should busying my own self with fasting.. owh ok.. fasting is so please... baek-baek...

a few things that i'm glad while facing the peperiksaan:

1- tiada pemanduan kereta yang setan.
2- tiada perebutan takhta siapakah tidur paling lama.
3- tiada hiburan.
4- tiada konsep membuang duit.
5- aku akan kurus.. ini paling glad!!

........aku bagus.......

Saturday, August 8, 2009


i've supposed to post this entry on last saturday.. but who cares?? here it is and really come clean!!!

i was pretty silent while struggling myself with the exam in few days back.. not much.. but as i able to lay a great strength onto myself, then i've supposed to conclude as "Yes, I am studying and not staring surround anymore"... indeed, the adieu of midterm is called done.. completely... i went to some place with them(as usual, persons at my home).. mom is always being a matter.. sis would keep calming myself and say, "dun think too much, u are alright, that's it"... owh ok.. i would make everything as substitution of vent out and say out.. i'd rather to do so when i really care on everything.. i'm out of sane when they believe that my decision is quite relevant.. owh.. please make sense that myself still none of it.. hmm...

.........i rock my world............

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i learn

mereka fikir itu semua senang.. tapi aku tak fikir mana senang dan susah sekalipun... semua perlu rasa susah kadangkala.. pernah tak bila kau rasa nak sangat bermimpi, dan orang yang paling kau harapkan di tepi katil kau bila kau bangun tidur adalah seorang emak... aku semakin belajar menghargai orang yang dipanggil emak dan abah...

bila kau rasa macam nak jatuh sangat, sebenarnya kau masih stabil... manusia jadi hilang pertimbangan bila mereka sendiri membawa diri ke arah yang bodoh dan kurang waras... aku semakin belajar untuk jadi mampu dan kuat...

jangan rasa bila dugaan yang kau lalui sekarang begitu besar berbanding orang lain.. tuhan beri kau dugaan pasal Dia tahu kemampuan kau... bila kau kata kau tak mampu, sebenarnya hati kau tak pernah menipu... mulut adalah pendusta terhebat bila ego kau tidak terkawal..

perasan tak manusia begitu cengeng dalam soal hidup... kenapa meremehkan pada sesuatu yang kau betul-betul boleh let go walhal kau tahu kau tak heran bila benda tu gone sekalipun... aku semakin belajar baiknya menghargai daripada kau harap sangat rasa dihargai... penghargaan itu patut diberi dan bukan diharap...

sedar tak kita hidup untuk jadi hati yang baik??

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


i have much things to do in my recent week.. still with a lack of strength in getting know how best decision i could ever do.. so i refuse to put everything as part of massive matters.. good... hmmm... owh ok... the collage above has been made for nothing... nahh... sure for updating this blog perhaps... i own loads of self snapped pictures... but why only 8 number of pictures are included in this collage.. nothing.. but i feel glad to see those 8 pictures.. and all of 'em are never been publicly uploaded to any of my blog or even flickr.. ok.. here a little explain of them... perlu ke?? kadang-kadang manusia perlu persetankan kata-kata sekeliling bila beliau rasa boleh handle kebagusan diri sendiri... itu sahaja...

1- itu teddy dan baju tido love-love yang dicintai
2- when you got nothing to do with your own toilet.
3- that's a model look.. aku tahu sangat menjengkelkan.. haha..
4- i can't live without that blue gadget.
5- ini tiada penjelasan.
6- stop capturing my face.
7- aku takde halkum maka ternyata aku perempuan tulen.
8- serabut dan selekeh itu seni di bilik tidur

Monday, July 27, 2009


cuba ketengahkan segala perkara yang sudah ke tepi... aku bukan pembuat teh atau kopi.. aku pandai makan susu nespray sahaja... oh ok... hari ini bagai tidak sial... setiap hari perlu mendoakan terbaik.. bila terlalu kata sial, maka kau orang yang tidak beriman... agak kelmarin juga, kami bincang dan membuktikan sabar itu separuh dari iman.. kau hanya kata perkara ini di mulut.. tapi cuba praktikkan bila kau betul-betul hilang pegangan untuk lihat kebenaran dari tuhan... mungkin mulut kau menipu tapi mata kau jujur.. kenapa orang selalu kata mata tidak mampu menipu.. sebab mata itu kelemahan kita untuk menangis... andai kau ego sekalipun, cuba kau cari jalan hidup dengan keegoan, benar kau mesti sesat berbanding mencari kehidupan dengan menggunakan mata... sabar itu sesuatu yang begitu real..

while looking at my closet, my bro has found the small image... they keep teasing me when they already know the truth... it wasn't fine at all.. i never been far fine at all... manusia menjadi penceria terbaik bila beliau tidak mampu untuk senyum kadangkala... life is too short when you feel regret all of things are messing up in day by day... i've heard that abah would take some on leave in starting our fasting... yeah, this is fine... i've spent a lot of time and my pocket for cheering myself... ain't cool but might be wasting... all make sense that sink or swim, you are just a human that so called ain...


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the sore point

you know that you will be in a stupid manners while handling your stupid relief... so all things would not being really granted... i mean this is world serious.. when you started to trust or believe to anything or sort of anyone, you know that it is just a subject of sore... this can't distinguish with embarrassing... ok... maybe cut your own crap by not really hope they will giving a good strength while you are seriously losing your grip... the cheerful you've been accepted is extremely pathetic... hidup dengan angan lebih mulia bila kau rasa nak harapkan sangat person for being beside of your anxiety... as what i've twittered, "all type of them are same... so good pretender.."

hmm.... jung buat aku rasa i've made a stupid relief.. i know how i able to handle myself... if i am given an option, aku nak lari... jangan kejar atau ikat aku sekalipun.. ok.. thanks for everything...

bila peperiksaan sahaja, aku stress... i mean the exam is not a main reason for the depression.. i am facing few of big deals in my lately... hair will be cut in my near soon... yes, the habit of mine when i really not in a good condition at all... hmmm... i never touch my guitar in a week.. i know how missing i am to feel the let go feeling when give even a simple strum.. i promise myself for not touching him... this is promise.. what else you can do when tears are so cheap in letting 'em out unreasonably... semalam dan semalam dan kelmarin begitu hebat.... belajar untuk tidak terlalu percaya juga mampu untuk hebat.... hmmm...

bukankah aku sebenarnya macam dah tahu??

..............nanti lah................

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i've changed the color of braces.. on last week, my dentist said,"have u noticed in a mirror that your teeth is already in a good line"... ok, at that time, myself was pretty silent... i mean the suppose answer was yes, but i could only able to emit a 'yes' sign to him... begini, i always reluctant to answer when those dentists would keep asking me a question when they are operating the orthodontist on my teeth.. i really numb to say or even simply turn my head at that time.. but they so prefer to have a talk with me... aku tak kisah dan tak juga marah... budi bahasa mereka bagus dengan aku.. tapi sopan mereka sangat kurang... owh ok, ini bukan isu sekalipun... the braces is currently red... slightly red... itu sahaja...

i'm in fever and flu... keep sneezing in per second of my talk... i mean my speak often been interrupted by sneezing... maka cerita aku akan kurang... dan fikiran aku akan bertambah... seriously, when we prefer to be a very quiet person, actually we either choose in being dumb or just a knowledgeable... tak semestinya bila kau diam, maka kau bodoh... dan tak semestinya bila kau bodoh, maka kau tidak berpengetahuan... actually, i got a nude sindrom... i mean pretty trustworthy... i love to see people who are having a great life which is i'd rather to say "they are living in heaven, cause they would get as on what their own wanting easily"... when i say out this sort of statement, the person that i refer to must be truly live in heaven... the perfect of their life might bring such a worth envy to myself... yeah, it is worth... i could improve myself as rely on their heaven... bagus... but when they are seems so-called perfection, but they are actually do not... pernah ke tuhan beri semua kesempurnaan pada satu manusia sahaja??? maka, mereka ada kelemahan dan kelebihan sebagai manusia... not necessary to say that you have and know everything... neither good to speak nor live in heaven, you shouldn't conclude yourself seperti hebat... belajar dengan ketidaksempurnaan... betul... aku mengarut tapi tidak menipu...

today i was being late in the class.. i hate my teacher but she always give an okay face when i always prefer to come as late as only 20mins... haha.. only???.... i do not belong any punctuality in my life... i know this is not a good word to describe how poor of me to be on time person... disiplin tu kenapa perlu?? ok this is just a simple mention, actually i was a prefect in my whole secondary school... siapa suruh kat tempat sekolah sekarang takde perlantikan pengawas?? i started to imagine when i need to get to my current classes by wearing a uniform... seronok juga... i often attend my exam by simply putting on baju kurung dan kasut putih sekolah... aku lebih rasa teruja nak jawab peperiksaan... mungkin aku perlu jadi pengawas university untuk teruja datang awal ke kelas setiap hari... hmmmm.....

why people are trouble when they are in trouble??? i've tricked myself with this.. i repeat 'em in my whole day when i started to ruin myself with some trouble... you know that all are seriously seems such a blinky of rascal when they are just a bad life seed... bukan kah kau ada batas dalam hidup????... itu sahaja...


Friday, July 17, 2009

roti bakar

Why bother to separate waste when they're just trash?? ok look at the picture beside.. the art of mind.. everything must be in art.. if you are not included, then u might lost.. sounds crap when there has 'not-included'.. yeah i mean i really serious with the quote in the picture... they are just a trash... ok... i started to share everything with my very own house... the best person to be a good stopper in real life is your family... i mean to stop getting risky life.. or in a less of talk, sometimes you will feel like saya-lemah-dan-mahu-kuat-tapi-kat-mana-nak-cari??... sort 'em out using your house... it could be better.. hmm.. i am locking my finger to type some words here... bluff yourself that you are okay so that you will think of what else that you will afraid of... owh ok... i hate to be cheated.. coz the sincerity is a part of life needs.. also hate when seeing my own kind of cheating.. then roughly the person that i try to make this shit lie "eh tidak mengapa, aku okay sahaja", mesti rasa aku begitu gampang menipu dan berlagak kuat... mak kata aku anak yang keras ati... abah kata aku budak tak suka mengaku kalah... jadi siapa yang betul??? tak kisah lah... hmm...

everyone makes a stupid thought which is must be in a fake person so that they will becoming a cool pal indeed... tahu tak bila ada manusia yang macam rasa sangat cool bila membuat sikap ala-ala gadis plastik di sekolah tinggi negara america, mereka ini begitu sedih dan jengkel... is that a real you or just trying to be a plastic person??? sick.. owh rimas dan apa yang mahu sangat berlakon yang diri bagaikan bagus?? sigh.. kaya lah dengan kebagusan sendiri dan bukan membuat tonjolan yang tidak berpada hanya sebab kau ingat kau berduit.. hmmm.. melayu mudah lupa..

my midterm will be in my near soon.. so be prepared... cut some worthless by saying, ain bukan malas, tapi suka malas... apa-apa pun masih takde efek bila perkataan bukan digantikan dengan suka.. none of self-motivation... hmmmm....


Thursday, July 9, 2009

kertas dinding

sorry to madd. aku buat benda ni lambat. ko tag aku awal june. tapi awal july baru nak buat. haha. aku sebenarnya tak suka nak jawab tag. tapi ini sahaja yang berkenan untuk dijawab pasal soalan ada tiga sahaja. kau ingat bila soalan tag panjang-panjang tu, ramai ke manusia yang nak baca sepenuhnya. semua tipu. ringkas itu lebih sedap. harap terhibur. sekian.

1) Anda perlu printscreen wallpaper anda yang tengah gune skang. jangan tipu2 ek
-padahal boleh je nak tipu kan letak je gambar rafeah buang ke.. haha.. 2) Bgtau nape anda suke wallpaper anda?
-tiada sebab yang kukuh. aku kerap tukar wallpaper. ini yang sedang digunakan.

3) Tag 10 people..
-perlu ke tag?? macam la orang nak buat benda alah ni. tak kesah siapapun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

that's it

don't put on some high ego.. it is not a good way you show how love you are to a person that you ever belong to in almost your entire teen life... hmmm.... i always love this song.. a singer that includes in asian type.. all his cover songs are always in my list... and he's a great youtuber... sometimes they pleasure their fred or even strum easily but deadly incredible.. and sure yes if you are talented... but yet to give a rate on mine... i'm a kiddo... ok.. hahha... let's play the song, then all things will recover in my near soon... heal some ego, it could be better though...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


it has been a month kot i never use the federal highway.. maybe the lack of great traffic is a main talk.. or i never been those area unless myself is indeed and insist to be there... while i was heading to shah alam as be on that highway... that was sick.. the time was turning to six.. kind that time area.. i couldn't bear to flashback every single moment in my today life.. the time would explain how well you might be trapped in a traffic jammed.. i'm pretty less of interest to write such a so-diary word in this bajusemalam.. serious say which is i only story when it was just a story.. i refused to vent out when it was just sort of fuck up... the personal is being naked when you are showing them off immorally... what a foul mouth here.. yes, this is over-stated.. owh ok.. i was in a traffic jammed in an hour just now... still couldn't remember every moment at all... this could tell myself how i never catching a pleasure whilst sticking myself on that road perhaps... and here the views of one typical friday evening... and pardon the poor quality of the pictures.. are they??... ok a simple shoot and again just ignore the quality.. i'm not a best shooter... ergghh... aku snap mereka pasal semua ada sebab dan imbasan tersendiri... berangan...

ok ini arah utama aku.. bandar anggerik...

actually i was tired to see this car just ahead my car since the flat no is so annoying... bukan jeles.. tapi ok aku penat nak beri singakatan PDS untuk apa.. aku ada penyakit di mana setiap abjad pada nombor plat kereta yang aku lihat, mesti ada maksud dia sendiri... percayalah aku mesti beri maksud yang gampang.. baru lah hilang bosan masa memandu... jadi maksud PDS yang paling gampang apa dia??...

if you are routinely use this highway, then you probably feel forcing to see this... trust me.. this digital signboard is helping you... tapi bila tiap-tiap petang lihat benda yang sama begini, jantung yang sihat pun sanggup hisap dunhill tiap hari..

masa kecik dulu aku tak bengap sangat... sebab aku pernah terfikir benda alah nombor-nombor tepi jalan ni semua disediakan untuk kita belajar mengira... ada member aku dulu kata nombor tepi jalan ni adalah nombor jumlah kenderaan yang dah lalu di jalan tersebut.. sekarang nampak tak yang aku tak bengap sangat bukan...

i have to say that i hate you most si honda city.. that's it... aku tahu dia tak bersalah...

when i saw this, it reminds me about abah... my dad is a safety person who is working in a safety field of job... he would complain with all these... then mom would listen to him unwillingness... kebagusan emak mengawal keadaan... ensem gila...

masa aku kecik dulu, aku tahu dua jenis motor je.. Cagiva dan Ducati.. tak sangka selama aku pernah lalu di jalan ni, baru nampak kedai Ducati.. if i were a guy, i would end up my age by having such a number of motorbike..

while snapping this billboard, i had been surprised by car horn behind me... coz my lane was already in moving... gelabah je pakcik.. sebenarnya aku nak kata billboard ni aku tak paham apa... saya orang kampung.. naik kapal terbang pun lima tahun sekali.. haha..

owh ok ni last and a little least... kalau antar polis gambar ni, sure kena saman... tak juga.. polis suka saman aku sebab parking sahaja... pilih kasih ke atau memang rezeki aku pada saman yang lain??...

Monday, June 29, 2009

junkie and homeless

i've found a fact which is sound like nothing is everything.. so count on those nothing.. i stopped my dreaming by saying, "kau perlu usaha ain.. takut tu jalan yang sihat juga"... owh ok.. maybe i need a strength to quit myself from being part of day dreamer.. rindu lah aku kalau aku dah tidak lagi di kiri dan kanan kau.. bagusnya untuk dinilai dan dihargai.. hmmm...

yesterday i was being again nocturnal.. as usual.. but it was until i could see the dawn in the morn'.. what the best word for this deed?? as muslim, subuh itu yang pertama dalam hari-hari kau... hmmm.. then i started to do my self-captured.. ini hakikat.. bila kau tak tahu apa untuk dibuat, buat lah sekadar apa yang kau suka tapi bukan dalam keadaan terpaksa.. maka hasilnya, begini.... what i could ever say when again flickr is updated.. and here the picture that maybe could explain what is the title of this entry is really about.. it ain't junkie.. nor homeless.. but seriously nothing is everything when you can see how brilliant of view you could snap while waiting for the dawn was breaking... that is me... thank you... applause...

the dawn

Friday, June 26, 2009

penuh dan kosong

owh ok perkara yang sama diulang seakan kosong.. bila sekali sekala, ia menjadi sedap.. aku kurang kosong bila tak lagi sekerap dulu.. makan nasi tiap-tiap ari juga tidak mengapa.. mak cakap "kau takkan gemok hanya makan nasi"... kau tau tak bila kau harapkan kau jadi gemok hanya dengan nasi, maka kau berfikiran sial... andai kata kau harapkan muka selicin lantai bila letak clorox sekalipun di muka, owh ok... cukup lah kata "tak semua yang aku assume akan berlaku, maka ia berlaku"... bila anganan setinggi bas ekspress, kau ingat kau boleh lawan lori mayat ke... sedar lah diri dan berpijak di dunia realiti... hmm....

i just started my classes... i mean the new semester is still in beginning.. what the hell truth when i've already change my field... what the best word for abah when he could able to find out my very nuts decision either.. so be it.. i am crazier than i must be.. somebody said, "you aren't crazy but you are only lay 'em on yourself.. that's it"... yeah sounded great harshness anyway... aku tak berapa pasti apa sebab perlu harsh dalam kata-kata... i am lost of idea when person become less of originality in talking... kenapa perlu harsh seperti mereka... mak kata itu influence.. aku tau mak hebat.. dia cakap sampai kadang-kadang menyakitkan mata aku, tapi aku tau dia ensem dari abah... so tidak mengapa...

life is a small rotation.. once you stabbing around, probably you will becoming a next person to be stabbed.. fairness.. being innocent is really cool... a good pretender... menahan saket kadangkala menjanjikan terbaik.. kau tahu kau tak kuat bila kau kata kau lemah.. padahal mentaliti manusia sangat sempit untuk digunapakai bila keadaan terdesak... aku dah cuba untuk tidak sempit.... hmm... maka bilik aku kena lebih luas agar aku tak sempit.. ada efek ke?? mak kata ada... aku ikut je..

being trusted is sort of annoy... bukan ke tidak mempercayai itu lebih thrill????

Friday, June 19, 2009

so Jung

i crawled a great spacious lane beyond my life... while believing all things are really sweet to be memorized, then i ought to let 'em really go respectively... hmmm.... kind of naive for seeing my very ahead by only thinking bout others perhaps... none of lordliness...

i always come out with a pride assumption.. i am grumbler if i wish so.. but 'nice' is sort of nicer way of talking and assuming.. so i am truly nice person at some time... jung is so pure for me.. then, the nice me is always pure for jung..

yesterday is great.. today is better... you know that you would put a crap on word when you are really sick of your life wheel.. indeed... i am practically okay.. some say, "u haven't seen in okay at all"... be a pretender.. it could be friggin' cool juga kadangkala...

mak saya sangat baek... beliau orang paling mulia in my entire life.. so i learn to have a piece of strong from herself... luckiness to have her.. so this is a most reason to say i promise to take care of jung...

.......................tidak sehebat tuhan........................

Monday, June 15, 2009

a girl named kira-kira

i just get twittered... naahh... everyday must be twittered perhaps... currently at somewhere that so called the place to service encik V... thanks for a certain facilities provided here as if i couldn't see my blog at all.. now i kill the boredom as usual by using a book that been listed in my-book-that-never-been-read-since-i-bought-it.. i lazed everything with a late movement.. so sparing...

last few days were the day that myself most tend to be with family.. actually i always be... saja je pasal aku begitu feel homely... owh ok... i just knew one word in Japan... that is 'Shizukani' that gives a meaning of hush... i love to have learn Japan words.. one of my friend honestly said, "Japan and Korea languages are tough"... she's a very good beginner-speaker that slightly fluent to speak in these two languages.. how damn cool are you.. haha...

naturally, i have to have histerics when i almost couldn't find my wallet.. most sure thing when Iva keep playing with all stuffs inside then roughly pull 'em out without knowingly how mad i will be... the wallet is so poor.. when i said poor, it never give a meaning of always-doesn't-fill-of-money... my penny are always poor.. you know that you are poor person when you couldn't bear to stop your spending.. really poor to handle every part of yourself... when i was in Penang, i didn't see the money are fastly blowing... that was very nice physically consumption..

i always heal my glum with strumming... i started to create my very own not of singing... most lyricist really use their emotion while writing... you know that the more glumly you are, the best of aging you can be... women are pretty good in maturing themselves forcingly... a thing that sounded so hell...

............aku normal..........

Sunday, June 14, 2009

no one sleeps when i'm awake

this is my very first time to write a title instead of keep typing a piece of words for the entry... like mushi said, "tajuk selalu paling susah nak tulis"... what the indeed hardness anyway... we often think that kepayahan and really mind on each word obviously... owh ok... that is people... hmmm...

it has been a days i haven't update anything here... my current mood is so called instability.... i throughout the day with a less of goodness... a huge emotionality condition...

making a stupid riot while handling every part of confusion.. then you are going to be okay.. a friend of mine is so pathetic.. she would started all these in an intention to make me laugh as freeze as i were in a fridge.. but u might be that dumb sheep without minding of how very open-stated that you are being at...

seriously the title is when i am listening to the The Sounds... lately i prefer myself to learn sort of new listening.. everyday must be in new listening mode..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

begitu sedikit

how to describe a picture?

the only answer:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

iklan itu apa?

semalam dah tulis sket.. tapi rasa tak begitu teransang dan teruja.. so aku taknak tulis... menulis juga perlu situasi yang stabil dan bagus.. ok..

i love Lily Allen.. she's cute and owh ok you got the point of fringe haircut... so that's a most reason to call her that pretty cute.. i found a video of new cadbury chocolate that slightly named eyebrow.. sounds like that.. the video is for advertisement in somewhere overseas country.. probably UK.. lost of idea for that... but it's seriously friggin' cool... there have couple of kids that move their eyebrows by following the beat of music in that video.. here i embedded from youtube... i actually found it in youtube perhaps... ngeeeee...... seriously the music also fucking cool.. aku akan suka lagu ni.. haha...

owh ok back to Lily Allen.. actually she was invited to the talk show that so called The Sunday Night Project... she also did a same crazy eyebrows like these two kids did... hahha.. the thing is, myself almost couldn't recognize her in that video.. i couldn't embed the video from youtube.. here the link of it..

actually once i watched the video, i started to think that how advertisement really makes audience been influenced... then i started to think about Petronas also often make a very best ads for raya and so on... the creativity sometimes barely predicted.. that can be seen in the ads from Proton about we have to wear a seat belt while being in car... they made a video about a woman who is driving her car at some horror road and suddenly there has ghost in her car that doesn't wear a seat belt... iklan tu sangat seram dan bodoh.. aku takut nak tengok.. selalu nya iklan tu keluar time buletin utama.. tapi now i think the video is already been blocked since over seram.. there has a good subject in that video.. i mean Proton reminds us to wear a seat belt for safety purpose... but u know, there are sort of age groups of audience... i don't think so that most kids would able to understand the motive of that video.. yeah you know, that is what we call a creativity... here the link of Proton's ads video.... (i refuse to embed this video.. it's extremely horror...)


Sunday, May 31, 2009

sakit itu seksi

siapa kata entri rutin harian tidak seperti taik?? memang taik.. kau tak perlu memberi kata-kata terperinci.. cukup sekadar "owh ok aku ke sana arini"... tak perlu seperti "aku membeli spenda kaler kuneng arini".... nampak tak bila dua ayat ini menjadi perkara utama dalam menulis.. cuba berubah.. itu sahaja.. hmm...

feeling loath every time i breath.. so the throat really has a big thing in my today life.. sick is sexy... i love to be sick... so be it.. hmm... i saw a new haircut of sherri (Eisley) for her summer season... cute and pretty loveliness...

i am listening to movingmountains... the songs are pretty okay.. indeed the quality is so matter.. don't blame me if i'm really some turnover person... there are less of quality in everything.. people keep overdoing in spite of how lack of quality they belong to... but the word of showing off are so creepy...

finally all make sense when someone's watching over my words... the attitude is so hilarious... u know when person stabbed on your back with barely manners... then u know what the best react that need to against on... i am bad if u wish so.. but try to see the reality, high possibility to sort those myself out... in naive say, "too kind to kill others".....

............cuba tidak mengapa...........

Friday, May 29, 2009

the focus

everyday must sleep at a very late night... i haven't gotten my enough sleep though.. mom would keep calling me and it could explain me how she's trying to force myself for being awake... but i still absorbing every single thing of my bedroom with a lazy lay down on my bed... it wasn't my very first time to be like this way.. this is such a bad routine when i got no class on the other day... i just found the new word for this very bad habit.. i am 'nocturnal'... the word describes a meaning that i still yet to sleep in a very middle of night while doing some bullshit.. don't think that far.. i am not a clubbers at all.. the bullshit is not really sort of shit.. coz i'd rather to be at home while keep looking at a lappy screen or even this pc... i lazed every night with a good way instead... hmm... that's pretty bizarre for me at least.. owh ok...

for time being, my sis and i are really crazed in outing.. the thing that we spend somehow for letting go a crumb of boringness.. not absolutely bored... but the habit to blow own money anyway... haha... that's a cheap reason... i couldn't bear to see everything.. on last few days, once we arrived at some usual mall, i said, "arini adik memang takkan shopping lagi, i promise myself"... owh ok.. the statement i stated was tend to be so delirious... my sister giggled.. she was cynically smiling at me with only one meaning on her face which was kau-tak-payah-nak-poyo-pasal-kau-memang-antu-shopping-pun-ain.. haha.. that was mean...

i had randomly chose this pic for the mood of writing... nahh.. it's actually the picture while having out without a piece of senses.. mak mesti rotan bontot aku.. mekaseh mak sebab sangat ensem.. bla... bla... bla... i got to back to my hometown today... do someone free to prepare myself?? saya sangat berbesar ati.... sumpah aku belanja kau mekdi.. haha..

Thursday, May 28, 2009

mane kau?

strong legs are not the only strength that u ever belong to... trust me.. no disgust on such simplest part of yourself... all are you... being creepy is rather called tak-sehat.. jadi sila terima seadanya... hmmm... i never love to see myself in readiness... nor believe that i am readying for some circumstances... i often pursue myself that all i do must resulted in fortune... sounded like kepala-hotak-juga... but it always happen when i am deadly don't know what else to do at my very end of time... kerja di saat akhir memang jadi pilihan anak melayu.. aku mula berubah sekarang ni pasal taknak tertinggal lagi... preparation never lie myself since i was 9 years old.. i used to be asked to read sort of books by my dad.. after few minutes, dad would took the books from me.. then he would started to ask anything regarding to the book.. i knew i hated to read and memorize all of 'em.. but i had made a good preparation for answering my dad's questions... that was me in a very small person that i used to be... pernah juga aku beri alasan bahawa bila kita kecil, kita masih takde banyak dosa... maka kebagusan otak untuk bersedia dan mengingati sangat hebat... owh ok.. so called crappy... but apparently sometimes the reason might be used... where as i am currently feeling refuse to continue ini anymore.. i was thinking of all these in my very whole day.. i know how fucking hard to be pretty good in memorizing those subjects.. it ain't me.. i have to see number figure... i love to assume everything numerically...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


don't hate me if i don't want to wear the hand watch.. i haven't feel wanting to put on some hand watch around my wrist.. bangle is the most prefer thing to be often beside me in my entire day.. don't say it isn't cool by refusing to wear a priceless hand watch... maybe the age is letting me to set in mind with the do or don't thingy... it is most similarity to when i had realize that i'm going to reduce the interest on hardcore anymore.. i know how ages able to shift myself onto the other type of listening... perhaps abngah also admitted the same.. don't pretending the interest movement.. sometimes the fake is the most preferable to people now... i said, don't hate me because of the hand watch.. i am pretty great with my very own blast... sama juga pada enset aku... don't hate me when i am still using my poor handphone.. that's it...

Monday, May 25, 2009


i had found some stupid manners by imaging a little odd of the-thing-that-we-couldn't-do-it-because-we-are-muslim... the words tend to be like hell... but i made everything with a couple of thoughts which can let me feel berbesar-hati... i had googled Lights pictures.. most people do not know herself very well since she's not sort of glamorous in hollywood.. it couldn't be 'not sort' at all.. ok here i explain... actually she's a singer in hollywood... by starting her song made from her very own desk at home, then now the voices or even songs are been recorded.. plus she's already awarded by some music award.. (i can't remember)... ok very terror.. so she must be included in the glamorous hollywood instead... baek-baek... i used to wonder why people wanna be a singer.. maybe the glamour purpose and surely sake of money.. yeah, malaysia tak mampu jadi kaya kalau jadi artis.. cukup sekadar glamour je aku rasa.. ini industri malaysia yg sangat kecil unless u are mawi.. hmmm... sometimes i prefer to love something that people really do not know it so well... when it comes to be well-known, seriously takde thrill lagi dalam kesukaan kau itu.. itu yang aku rasa.. so aku akan suka pada benda yang manusia lain tak suka dan tak tahu.. ini lebih memberansangkan... hmm.. the story here is not bout how u want to be a singer.. i just slightly explained who is Lights.. tp aku merapu cam ketapi... haha... owh ok2... the picture that has been googled is here.. the tattoo.. the fucking tattoo.. (got no idea to put fucking, mungkin lebih rase beria-ria).... haha... i love her tattoo.. if i were non-muslim girl, i will tattoo myself like this... how cool it looks.. owh ok.. again, i stated that 'if i were'... so maybe it is still within the boundary.. aku masih waras... hahaha... my flickr has been uploaded with new chantekbelaka... one of those views is here... i am currently being kurus.. aku sangat suka hati.. jadi tak perlu obses pada kekurusan lagik.. i don't think so that my chantekbelaka are so-yesterday... when u are not a photographer at all, but people will keep teasing u by saying out those harsh comment on your chantekbelaka... what would u do?? begini kata-kata aku untuk mereka... serious dude, aku bukan ahli kongsi gelap yg pandai amek gambar.. aku hanya ain.hujan.ribut yang sangat bercita-cita tinggi nak jadi oltromen dan bukannya 'sekalian' photographer... sebab sekalian itu selalunya kurang arif tetapi hanya mahu nampak cool... aku oltromen.. percayalah... mekaseh...

Monday, May 18, 2009

melihat dan lihat

terkilan... i took so long gap in believing my yesterday shirt to vent some worse out.. benar blog itu sangat mengaddictkn atau mengghairahkan... hmm.. i've done a lot of things.. by letting this 'yesterday shirt' keep quite unreasonaly, there is such some friggin cool deciding rather than keep venting tanpa sebab musabab... in my very last weeks, sometimes i was really outta mind.. u know when i embarrassed myself with some new haircut.. owh it ain't embarrassing.. it ain't bluffing.. it was just been cut... i've come out with no idea pasal rumor said, u got that misha look ain, seriously!!... owh.. this is really perceivable... cut the crap by stating perasan itu lebih berperasaan... baek... hmmm....

my abngah just done his kenduri kawen... i had storied about his akad nikah in this entry.. he also took a very long gap to make his kenduri at my family side.. this is not part of the story to write on... i've just linked with his kenduri instead... all pictures will be uploaded soon in chantekbelaka since all are influence me with an exhausted feeling.. myself really got it.. still..

hmm... aku sangat tidak stabil... every single me are so redundant.. being let go all instability with sake of "i've already settle 'em out"... here i know how further i had crawled my life without proper thinking and searching... let go itu begitu bangsat.. jadi berfikir itu lebih mendekatkan pada penyelesaian... it couldn't be completely over.. but it might be partly over... or it should be habiskan semua runsingan dengan bersendiri... all of thoughts are really fuck up...

Friday, May 8, 2009


i made a long break without updating... bahasabijak recently deleted... i got no mood on that and juz replaced with new for that... knowing to have a bahasa blog in order to admit my melayu status... nothing much that already be done at my very lately... my midterm was ok...i made a few of new songs.. sounded bagai gedik atau entah.. indeed having a very free time... peluang tu datang sekali je.. jadi aku akan hargai.. itu sahaja... kenapa gambar ini tak pasal disertakan sekali?? owh ok aksi memang begitu menjelekkan.. this is the old pic that really shows how suci i am dengan berambut hitam dan muka masa ni takde jerawat dan kurus... aduh.. ini hakikat pasal gambar ni masa umur awal 20an... owh ok.. manusia begitu obses dengan benda yang mustahil.... hmmm... baek....

Monday, April 27, 2009

aku okay

i'm currently alone at home... usual thing, parent already back to penang... abngah already in sarawak... thus an unsual thing is now Iva already in phuket... i know how she would forget about maksu here by holidaying and enjoying that vacation... in a very pity word, "aku sgt kesian dok umah sorang2 smpai hari khamis"... i just phoned mom, she started worrying about me... then abglang shall back to shah alam rather than just let me be seen alone here... i don't really hope his accompanying since i know i am fully okay... hmmm...

i just back from classes.. i think i should choose a proper talk in this entry... i got no idea for this choice, but sometimes person will choose anything by refer to very current condition that he or she faces to... my midsem will coming around.. to be exact, it will be on next week on 4th of May... just now as i was in class, cikgu taught us how we supposed not to choose to blame on others as if we keep failing in everything we do... eventually, i really minded her words... so sink or swim, the exam must be done in next week... bertabahlah hendaknya... hmmm...

i was giggling in the class... fareez mmg geng mengutuk... u know when there have a part of students that seems konon-macam-bagus-dan-hebat-dan-chantek-dan-make-up-tebal... owh ok... actually i don't mind about how hard you try your best in putting on make-up stuff or even foundation sampai habis satu botol untuk ke class harian... but u know, you are just a student... don't cross a line of your title of student.. you are still within of that... so please don't ever try that so hard make-up style... maybe i am such mean by saying out all these... but ha ok... aku memang kurang senang dengan semua ni bila manusia begini sangat berlagak dengan aku pasal aku begitu selekeh di class.. tak kesah lah.. aku bukan Regina George dalam movie 'Mean Girl'... hahaha...

yeah mean girl... i love that stupid movie.. maybe because of Lindsay Lohan kot though people are keep giving a harsh comment on her, but i just love her... i had talk to my sis about why teenager wanna be a mean girl... most of American teenager will love to be so cruel or mean on others in purpose to have such a big attention from a very hot guy.. i know how stupid it sounds... but it's truth.. as i am fan of Avril or even Marie Digby, i had read about their history life when they were teenager... both are same.. both had throughout a very nightmare teenager life... Avril admitted that she was included in a victim of mean girl... that was why she prefers to friend with a skateboarders who are finally now being her band members that always give a good backup music for her performance... then Marie Digby was also included... she said, she always took her lunch at a library since most mean girl would tease about herself and refused to friend with her... so sad... i thought they both are quite pretty girls who are best to befriended in a high school... but u know America is a very racist country... they must be cruel in pleasuring their own goods... no wonders on that..

Malaysia is actually a very peace country... we love each other without thinking of "how rich are you?" or "how chantek are you?".... but all are just leave a words... nowadays, maybe certain Malaysian love to be that so 'mean'... please look on university in Malaysia... certain part of 'em are applying that racist style so that they will becoming popular and good university because of only some group of races student are studying there... owh ok very sad to be heard... or maybe in our every daylife, how many person prefer to friend to anyone without being that such 'mean'... as what i storied above, most make-up girl in my schoool are very wanna be like Regina George... tak kesah lah.. aku tahu aku memang selekeh di sekolah.. aku rasa itu sudah cukup cool untuk ke kelas semata-mata....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

tak penting

tak pasal aku cm terjumpa gambar lama ni.. so it may be like, "aku sgt rindu kau wahai rambut lama"... owh semua entry agak teruja dengan gambar rajah sahaja.. tak pe, sebab aku sekarang agak sibuk dengan kerjaya sendiri.. yeah sgt lah kerjaya.. baeklah.. saya adalah perempuan tulen.. itu sahaja....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

birthday Iva

today is my niece's birthday who is a small kid that often been included in my almost blog's entry.. i have no words for this.. so pictures would explain... apa-apa pun selamat hari lahir Iva Dayana yang disayangi... jengah lah ke flickr untuk lebih lanjut.. hahaha..


just back from class... none of tiring... but i'm pretending some of it... my current classes are really treat me like a hell life since it's a short semester... i realize it's just a fine matter for my wanting to have a quick grad of study... but i couldn't bear to throughout all these... i only have seven weeks to complete my semester... so-called pressure... but it's good for my current life.. i have to concede 'em without giving any crap reason... bagus juga.. aku mungkin akan disiplin lebih... jadi ini bukan masalah besar dan mungkin tidak mengapa... hmmm.... i am feeling down in my very lately... i ain't dealing any down but u know when we are seeing some good return in front of our own eyes, maybe it might just a sight... don't ever say that you are included in 'perfection'.. but rather say that it might just your life luck... this is a thing that really being collapse in myself... aku malas dah nak kata apa... aku sangat mahu berubah.. itu sahaja... hmmm... now i want to write in a short of entry so that aku tak banyak bazirkan masa aku dan orang-orang lain.. aku nak pergi ke zimbabwe....
............kau dan aku memang ensem............

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


owh ok.. i am feeling very well to have some strong words here.. which is can be compared to the entry before and also shows myself was barely okay... or maybe sounded kau-tak-payah-nak-over-cerita-lah-ain... yeah ok.. aku sedar diri... hmmm... i was in penang in a week... (maybe).. at some minutes, i can't remember anything.. everyday is a windy day... without dreaming, i think i am perfectly being loser... that is so-naked... i know i conclude everything with a less of senses.. i lead every single thing by just-saying-and-stating... biarkan... hmmm... my classes are just started... i was playing truant in my very last week... that was penang matter... and i also started being new... owh maybe that 'new' is always been listed in my-want-to-be... yeah i already got it and as long as it never comes to grief at all... hmmm... sigh.... my post is stopped by simple chatting... hot chatting to be exact... hahhaa... only cik ecah will get the point why the word hot is being used anyway... nothing much today since i got to sleep dengan tabahnya... tahu bukan kelas adalah jam lapan... dan aku masih berangan di depan skrin buat saat ini... tak kesah lah... membebel itu sangat menyenangkan ati aku sendiri...

Monday, April 13, 2009

reckoning a nice me

when the world becomes bigger than we expect to, then it able make sense that we can't handle every piece of life merely... i oppose to have a big expectation so that to let myself know about how terrific of world's big in my entire life... sometimes i realize everything without knowing them further... i thought i was centering my life line... but it was left of center... sigh.. it truly be... i imagine to have a cool backyard as a place to fix some worse in my very worst day... u know when we started dreaming and all of thoughts are seriously become logic... or maybe i am beyond lucky by having trust from everyone... person who is trying so hard to be trusted is really called sadness... i was blinded by those trusts... sometimes we should be included in that 'sadness' in order to set some real life without hoping so hard that we are a trusted person... i used to stand on my real legs in having a very nice life... u know when we have everything, we are actually been lost... that's why i was bred to have my very own effort so that i couldn't cross my life line at all... u know, people are just people... all are being bad manners at a certain part of themselves... that are so cheap... owh ok i know i am trying so hard to calm myself... and i know it is a troublesome made... hmmm... i really dunno who am i when i often think that u know when i was small, dad taught me how to be a very good in maths.... it was very old me... but sometimes it is dead and gone...(maybe influenced by Justin & TI's song).. so here the point why i always feel conscious in everything... hisyam often sick to say, "u are so nervous because of nothing, be cool and stop count your weakness b".... i help myself with my surrounds' concern... i know how they've put myself in a very trusted person with no worry... i know how hard i have to be... ain is just ain... they won't blame me but they are highly trust me... yeah for me, it seriously sounds rocky....
.......ain juga dalam gusar kadangkala........

Saturday, April 11, 2009

hari sabtu

i was quite busy because of nothing.. nahh.. actually it was something... i updated the jualsampaihabis look.. tiring.. that's why rendu pada blog ini pula.. yesterday i was in terrible condition... being doubt is often called sloppy.. atau cemerkap... tak tahu.. aku cm ribut pada hari semalam.. hmm... my parent go back to pahang today... they bring along Iva as a reason to accompany them.. ngaaaa.. utk meneman itu semua adalah tipu semata... sometimes parent will love their grandchild more than their own anak... that's truth... hmmm... i'm currently at home being lonesome and peace... or a little hungry... owh ok baek... my new semester is coming around... i started perceive bout my result slip... being worried is also often called sloppy... jadi, aku akan ke Penang utk tenteramkan ati sendiri... takde kaitan pun padahal... hahaha.. tiada bebelan yang banyak sejak kebelakangan ini... harap ada orang yang melancong ke jualan aku... atau beri sedikit pandangan di ruang chat... atau lebih afdal, sila lah membeli-belah... hahaha... klik gambar untuk ke jualsampaihabis...

.........terima kasih daun kari..........

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

kenapa dengan gambar ini?

why the pic has been grabbed from my collections, then roughly put it here... untuk glamour?? untuk nampak macam bagus?? untuk makan jagung??? untuk begigi jongang kembali??? hahaha... none of above prediction... i am missing my long hair badly... that's it...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

satu perenggan

i have no tough point by saying that i want to have a great voice... the dream is not so pure but enough said that "i am dreaming ok, is that sounds wordy or even crappy?".... dreaminess... my niece named Iva is not feeling well... she's fever and currently has a rock voices.. hahha.. i really interested with the husky voices that she really unintended to have that so... yeah.. the cough matter.. anyone could be that great husky without intention when we are getting unwell.. but i envy to people who able to have that very priceless husky... yeah envy pada jalan yang baik... tak salah juga.. nevertheless i still love my very ordinary voices... still within of that thankful bila jadi sempurna sebegini...

.........ini sahaja untuk kali ini............

Saturday, April 4, 2009

mesti ranjang

there were so-please to put a word hush within this very two weeks to myself... i enhanced some cracks with perantauan... at a certain part of line, i tend to be like hello-aku-nak-diam-lebih-memuliakan-diri-sendiri... which is can show me how i ain't part of obscenity at all... tak kesah lah... sekurang-kurangnya, aku rendu pada blog yang agak trash ini... finally, i figured out some persons that so-preferred to be a silent reader here... it isn't unpleasant but though u guys never been traced by cik ain, ape-ape pun terima kasih.. hmmm...

i was in perantauan mood in last two weeks before... pernah juga kadangkala aku berasa tidak boleh bernafas tanpa screen pc di depan mata.. atau fred di tangan kiri... but i found myself was sangat boleh bernafas juga... tak kesah lah... on last week, i often deceived my gesture in intending to have a very bullshit feedback... but at the last point of that 'last-week', my feeling had sudden gear to be a very patience person... here the credit for me though it was beyond of myself at all... owh ok... note that ain juga berhati suci kadangkala...

hmmm... i lazed my day at a bookstore (seperti biasa)... as my slight good habit is purchase a book as i afford to... the slight is used coz refer to sometimes-this-habit-is-sesuatu-yang-agak-membazirkan.... got it... hmmmmm... i found a bunch of books but only one of 'em fascinated me once...... the book titled "smart vs pretty" .... aku mula sedar kadangkala our current life will influence our choices... at first, i chose that book but i've eventually refuse to.. aku juga mula sedar kadangkala by buying that book won't give me a good act in a 'girl fight' thing at all... so i shifted to another book... dan sekali lagi my good habit was completely happen... owh ok... note that ain juga berhati batu kadangkala...

hmmm... i started being greedy in writing... indeed there were many days i never view my bajusemalam... sometimes i admit that aku suka menulis sesuatu yang agak crap... walhal mak never breed me to be like this hell crap... kadangkala penulisan takde kena mengena pada mak aku.... tapi those good fractions are fully inspired by emak... tak kesah... mak aku memang glamor pun dalam blog ni though she never been told... i only realized when i chose huruf 'r' sebagai huruf bertuah pada hari-hari yang lepas... dan ini view yang sangat ngeri untuk dilihat when i faded out my 'r' feeling with baju 'rock' yang sayangkan aku... rantau dan ranjang...

.............aku perempuan tulen............

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

apa mahu arini?

we often been burnt by keterujaan dalam beberapa perkara.. yeah.. some say it should be ketidakmahuan.. atau ketidakterujaan.. ha ape merapek yang aku karangkan di sini.. i wasn't online in 2days maybe... tak tahu.. some matters will come out with sifat yang seperti 'aku-berasa-malas'... owh ok.. actually i love to begin my entry with uncertain words... or might continuously used that uncertain as in the whole story of my entry.... kadang-kadang aku mencari asal usul bebelan aku...

when i was some age in high school, i've already started the uncertain dalam bebelan.. at that time, internet wasn't so wise to be used... everything must be written on a colorful papers.. (padahal boleh je atas kertas yang plain sahaja).. aku kan suka over.. thus, i wrote them with ketidaktepatan kata-kata yang takde kaitan pada apa yang aku bebelkan.. aku tidur lambat sebab main blog guna kertas sahaja.. manade nak guna komputer macam sekarang... sekarang tidur lambat sebab main internet... i always say, sometimes the current world is so cruel.. or is getting cruel.. or sangat mengejamkan... note that the 'current' is been used here which refer that we are facing all of them without a nice boundary... i make and do everything with a sake of good manners in hoping to get sedikit kebaikan untuk diri sendiri... some say i am taking for granted... i don't really mind with what kind of say that seems stabbing me repeatedly... some part of my life are really endeavored... jadi aku tidak berapa kesah pada kata-kata orang sekeliling kerana aku tak pernah carik masalah dengan granted mereka pula...

baek-baek.. aku kembali normal dan berenti buat sedikit lamunan... last saturday as stated in entry before, i was getting braces... so, it truly happened... dan aku sangat berani... hmmm... dan tak pasal aku berasa malas nak online... owh ok... i attended to my friend's wedding on last weekend... aku tak tahu tapi kenapa manusia perlu kahwin??... yeah the question sounded mere folly.. but perkahwinan itu kadangkala membazirkan duit pada kenduri.. and i had questioned emak with this so-seems-dumb-feeling-to-know-the-answer... by making an innocent look, i waited for the answer given from her.. emak cukup malas layan aku kadangkala.. sebab aku cukup banyak mengarut dalam setiap soalan dan kata-kata... then she gave an uncanny respond, "aku tak tahu siapa lah yang nak kawin dengan kau ni ain"... ha ok terima kasih mak sebab jawab soalan dengan cara begini... then i wrinkled... adakah dia menjawab soalan.. tak kesah lah.. lain kali jangan ada anak nama ain macam aku..
..............itu sahaja.............

Friday, March 13, 2009

siapa kata?

vent some feelings in words or images??

nothing much today..
  1. i made a simple jogging with my sis n iva..
  2. made some simple black n white snap.......
  3. i uploaded my flickr with the B&W mood...
  4. i am getting braces on tomorrow morn.......

..............mekaseh daun ganja............

Thursday, March 12, 2009


owh ok maybe aku agak tergolong dalam kalangan jakun dan batak.. tapi kurang pasti... i went to the clinic as have to see the dentist.. so it's eventually happen... that's a credit for me since i kept postponing on all that almost 2months.... maybe i make a pretty good lie if i say that i am cool man, what the hell reason to afraid of... so-called cheat.. please be alerted, ain juga anak yang manis dalam bicara kadangkala... but today, i wasn't... i thought i have to pull out some these strong teeth for putting that so-admired braces.. but thank God, aku tak perlu cabut gigi... itu semua menghilangkan ketakutan aku pada seorang dentist... terima kasih doctor since he said, "your teeth only a little bit out of course"... erhh.. aku memandai.. padahal dia tak kata over-over pun.. hahaha.. tak kesah lah.. but on this coming Saturday, the braces will be placed on my teeth.. teruja atau gementar atau gedik atau keliru atau jakun atau apa???..... tak kesah lah apa rasa.. tapi manusia akan keliru bila di saat kehabisan masa untuk membuat keputusan... it happened to me when my first decision to further my study... the common question to ask, "am i do a right decision enough?? or am i sick of making some good decision?? or am i insane??? or maybe aku patut berenti buat soklan bodo begini lagi".... hahaha.... baek.. sekarang masa untuk makan ubat gigi dan listerine...
........selamat malam........

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lyric - Daddy Long Legs (Korean Movie)
>>original song<<
mudji anhulke, nega ttonanun iyu
ijen saranghaji anhnun-danun gol algiye
yawan noye mam odiyedo
naesarang momulsu opsumul algiye

ihyaehaebolkke honchanamgyoji-ni-yu
ijen naye nunmul takkajul nonun optkiye
chigum naye kyote innun-gol
kurimja ppunimul nanalgiye

sarangun pombichorom nae ma-um jokshigo
chi-ul su omnun chu-ogul nae-ge namgigo
ije ichuranun ku hanmaniro
nawa sagwa-nomnun tarun kkumul kkugo

ibyorun kyo-ulbichorom du nunul jokshigo
ji-ul su omnun sangchoman naege namgigo
ijen ttonandanun ku hanmadiro
nawa sanggwa-omnun haeng-bogul kkumkkunun no

kidohae-bolkke niga ichyojikirul
sulpunsarangi tashin naege oji-anhkirul
sewol kanundero kudae-ro
modyojin gasum-man nama-itkirul

wae haeng-bokhan sun-gando sarangwe gobaekdo
nal sol-re-ge-han gu hyang-gido
wae mamulsun om-nunji ttonaya hanun-ji
mono-jyo-ya-man ha-nun-ji

sarangun pombichorom nae ma-um jokshigo
chi-ul su omnun chu-ogul nae-ge namgigo
ije ichuranun ku hanmaniro
nawa sagwa-nomnun tarun kkumul kkugo

ibyorun kyo-ulbichorom du nunul jokshigo
ji-ul su omnun sangchoman naege namgigo
ttonandanun ku hanmadiro
nawa sanggwa-omnun haeng-bogul kkumkkunun no

this video is seriously no-intended.. suddenly while taking the pick from wall shell, then i feel mahu jadi korea.. ngaaa... ini tipu.. actually this song is my-always-song-that-feel-liking-to-sing...(walaupun berbahasa korea dan aku tak tahu butir maksud setiap lyric)... owh ayat cm haram di sini.. mahap.. aku record saat aku stim tahap ular.... or in proper word, aku mengantuk...then i kill the boredom or even sleepiness with this stupid Korea cover song... hmmm... have u ever been kicked by cik kapok... myself is sangat selalu... the kick here is rather so-called 'layan mata' kot... dunno... i ain't kind of terror at all.. but once the fred is grabbed, then the strumm starting some stupid note sounds, then my eyes are always able to tidur dengan sempurnanya... aku tak tahu.. all of sudden... hmmm... owh ok.. tak kesah lah... my playing ain't fully recorded coz the camera was out of battery... padahal kemera tuh memang nak aku benti nyanyi lagipun... hahaha... baek-baek.. aku sedar diri..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

what today?

sekerap mungkin ada gak yang tanya aku, "hey, apa yang kau labelkan di blog kau ha?"... hhahaha.. do you ever try to sort out my label in my every entry??... i'll catch a simple talk here, i never give a true meaning on 'em at all... erhh... cukup sahaja itu.. hmmm... yesterday i got a pretty eager to sleep... i took more than usual period to have a long sleep... then it couldn't give me some eager to bloggy perhaps... at a certain line, it's good for not habiskan-duit-pada-elektrik-komputer-juga... owh ok.. jadi tiada kesalan.. hmmm...

last two days, i got a simple outing with my friend... boleh tak aku nak kata, aku tak pernah pergi pavilion... hahaha.. so-sad.... maybe i am part of stingy person... coz i often put a nice talk by said, "situ tempat orang kaya2, kalau aku gi, xde benda yang aku boleh beli unless bite a piece of popcorn for cinema purpose"... but i think i should take 'em back... kerana i just saw a converse outlet there... itu kegilaan aku in a big reason there's also in a big choices.. memang aku akan gila... tak kesah lah.. hmmm... actually there's been too many months that i never put myself in a train a.k.a LRT... so it happened by the time i made that simple outing to the pavilion yang bajet newyork tu... aku rindu dengan ketapi tanah melayu... but when u choose a Sunday as a ride time, here the point that u don't have to rindu the ketapi tanah melayu.. pasal rasa macam pergi negara Indon dan Bangladesh.. maybe u know what i mean... selalu aku berharap, aku tak kena pukau pun sudah cukup bernasib baik... hmmm....

i made a suicide pose in my latest chantekbelaka... but my shape figure is so-gemok.. tak tahu.. memang aku dilahirkan to have a sexy hips.. whooppss... u might say "euww, kau tak perlu nak over perasan ain".... tak kesah lah kalau ada yang heran.. pasal so many times people would tease me with 'kaki-seperti-gajah'... then i ought to motivate myself with the sexy hips matter.. persetan lah kau kata aku begitu tenat sekalipun... hhmmm... owh ok.... at time being, i made a quite fool lags in everything.. as i stated at the intro of this post, i made a long sleep dengan tiada hadnya... i assume some hesitation.. so, that's a huge reason for that lags... begini ahh ain.. hidup penuh dengan alasan yang hebat.. pasal aku memang suka perasan hebat tanpa sempadan kata-kata...