Saturday, September 15, 2007

niat yang baek

the 2nd of ramadhan... it's enough of time in bringing me being this way... much of changes.. huhuhuhu.... bak kata org melaka, don't judge book by its cover... i am badly ain which barely keep increasing my pahala... but it's hikmah of ramadhan... i'd rather stay at home and keep wearing telekung in 5times per day... then yeah, i can if i put a tough of trust on myself... who knew except Him... so jadik org melaka... my hair won't bring a true meaning of diri saya... hhmmmm.... mulut sy agak pookymark... tp ati sy agak baek.... aduhai... tau arr bulan puasa nak bersaya pula... huhuhuhu... while waiting for a next prayer, i still can pose in front of camera... hahaha... the view can shows ain is rock though the kaen putih yg suci itu cover the body... it's chantek... i admit the compliment... wah... blushing... bring shame on me... blah.... blah.... blah..... big thankful to God at least i am realize my own taggungjwb.... at least i am not reach beyond the boundary... still within of it... sigh... terharu.... ramadhan is such a beautiful bulan.... i do appreciate it... the promise... hhmmmm... time asks to take a nap.... esok nak sahur... goreng jemput kurma... owh amat layan... fullstop.....

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